Pascale & Michel's Cycling Tour

a day off

It is all about food! If we stopp in a town it is about food, eating, followed by internet and laundry.

Despite sleeping in we are ready earlier as there is no packing. Therefor it leaves a lot of time to think about food, dishes, to feel hungry, to go grocery shopping and cooking. To have shop around the corner without cycling allows buying fresh ingredients without looking for ist weight. Additionally as camping kitchens mostly provide gas there (no time limit to the cooking), cattles, frying pans the spectrum of possible dishes expands radically. And hunger dosen´t just stay away on a day without cycling. No way, it ist he opposite! A lot of planing of the menu followed by long walks through exploring of the supermarket shelves has to be done.

Besides the culinaric adventure, we then do laundry, go for a walk around the place, enjoy a cappucchino (no instant coffee !) in one of the cafes. The cafes are perfect places to observe the local happenings. Later we will spend a few hours in the library, where there is internet access. As the demand is high all the chairs and tables, especially the ones next to power plugs are manly taken. The cupper wires run hot and the internet slows to almost negative speed. Sometimes we manage to upload some pictures and posts onto the homepage as well as downloading the latest podcasts of a Swiss radio news programm. Time normally runs out before we could up date our route or rearrange the homepage. And we tend to be informed very friendly about the closure of the library before we could think about choosing a book.

The bikes still need a check of the most necessary and maybe one of the great icebreaker needs to be fixed. Then it is eveing allready and again dinner captures all our concentration. There we normaly meet other travelers, sometimes other cyclists. While discussing experiances and plans it quickly gets dark – bedtime.
Another day flew past without us really doing nothing for a while, read or just relaxe.

We didn´t have many days off in free nature. There the priorities were food, fishing, eating, writing, organising pictures and sleep.