Pascale & Michel's Cycling Tour

Wanganui – not as bad as its reputation

329 Wanganui

2008/2009 our dream to live in New Zealand for a year had brought us to Wangaui, where the demand for foreign doctors seem especially high. The region around Wananui had the lowest socioeconomic standard in the country, with many people depending on social benefit, very larg Maori population. Accordingly prices for housing was very low, what again attracted the same sort of people. Of course we met wonderful people, great friends and enjoyed our time, even though we would not have chosen to live in Wanganui for ever. The gangfights also were a negative issue,as it was known, not to be in certain areas at a certein time. Also I was called to hospital during on calls in the middle oft he night to treat beaten up patients.
The New Zealanders reacted reserved, when they heard that we´d stay in Wanganui.

This reaction to Wanganui we experiance quite similar now in 2015/2016. The more surprising did I find our spontanously good feeling to familiar place when we entered it again this time. The town would have everything it needs. It has a history als well as an interesting location. It is situated at the sea, on the river mouth, not that far away from Wellington or the skifields. There is a nice historic centre, from the days when the trading on the river was florishing, and the well added suburbs. And there is cultural potential with the school of art, the opera, museums and various events. Wanganui would be the perfect alternative to overpriced, crowded centres. However, who lives in Wanganui!
The reputation dosn´t allow this developpment. Yet ? A ruined repudation, seems to nurish itselve. But Wanganui is better than its reputation and slowly we seem to make out changes. The central aerea and the Riverside are being build up, there are more places, inviting to sit down, more interesting coffee shops and restaurants… There ist he opera week and other events organised by active inhabitants, which starts to send out a positive face. This can atract itself atract people with ideas and possibilities. We wish that people see and make most out of the great potential, that one day they can be proud to live in Wanagnui.